- Eintritt frei
Impresses with magnificent and sometimes unusual ceiling and wall paintings as well as the only disk cross in Germany
St. Maria zur Höhe (Hohnekirche)
Am Hohnekirchhof 2
59494 Soest
Telephone: 02921-2253
Fax: 02921-2811
The most important piece of decoration in the church, alongside the altarpiece created by the Master of Liesborn (around 1470), is the so-called disc cross, a unique work of art in Germany. It is a Latin cross with figuratively carved relief discs on a circular disc 2.72 m in diameter. Only on the Swedish island of Gotland have a few comparable crosses survived
. The organ prospectus from 1679 and the Romanesque baptismal font, which is wider than the entrances leading to the baptistery, are also particularly worth seeing.
April bis Oktober
dienstags - samstags 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr
November bis März
dienstags - samstags 10:00 -16:00 Uhr
sonntags nach den Gottesdiensten