Dr. Becker Clinic Möhnesee

Cure/rehabilitation clinic

Welcome to Möhnesee / Neusta POIs / Dr. Becker Clinic Möhnesee

Located directly on Lake Möhnesee, not far from the Arnsberg Forest nature reserve, the Dr. Becker Klinik Möhnesee offers you the best conditions for successful cardiological, psychosomatic or psychocardiological rehabilitation

Dr. Becker Klinik Möhnesee


Dr. Becker Clinic Möhnesee

Schnappweg 2

59519 Möhnesee

Telephone: +49 2924 8000



  • Parking spaces available

The Dr. Becker Klinik Möhnesee offers more than 20 years of experience in psychosomatic and cardiological rehabilitation. Here you will find a protected space where you can recharge your batteries. Our clinic has a total of 230 comfortable single rooms with shower/WC and balcony as well as modern therapy rooms. It also offers a wonderful view of Lake Möhnesee, which we actively incorporate into our therapies when the weather is good. This also applies to the nearby Arnsberg Forest Nature Park.

In particular, we treat psychosomatic patients with depressive disorders, depressive episodes, severe stress disorders, adjustment disorders and anxiety disorders as well as cardiology patients after heart surgery and with heart and arterial diseases. In the psychocardiology therapy area, we combine these two specialist disciplines for our patients. Our specialists will work with you to determine which of our approximately 70 therapy options will best promote your recovery. You will then receive a therapy plan tailored to your needs.

Business hours

You can reach our reception by telephone at the following times:

Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 19:00

Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Phone: (0 29 24) 8 00-0


Many roads lead to the DR. Becker Klinik am Möhnesee: https://dbkg.de/kliniken/dr-becker-klinik-mohnesee/vor-der-reha/anreise

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